Off Licences for sale in North West

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Buy an Off Licence

The independent local Off Licences is growing in popularity; often prices are cheaper than large supermarkets for wines and spirits, you do not have to wait to be served and can grab what you want on the way home.

All Off Licences will already have a premises licence but you will have to obtain a personal licence in order to be able to sell alcohol, this is dealt with via the local council, remember if you or any of your staff sell alcohol to anyone under 18, you will lose your licence, this could be permanently or for a set period in time.

The major plus point is that most of your customers are from 6pm – 10pm, you are selling a product making stock control easy, the EPOS till will also help with the monitoring of stock and staff.


'Thanks to Nationwide this is my third and best off licence. Buying a liquor store with reputation for quality wines and spirits and tobacco means the profit margins are great and I’m not competing with cut price outfits. – Mr K, Berks. May 2017'